The Pros and Cons of Water Soluble Soy Wax

The PROS of Water Soluble Soy Wax 

  • The melting temperature is between 110 º and 140 º

  • Soy wax comes in flake form, so measure out and melt what you need

  • Fumes are not toxic

  • Soy is a renewable resource (Beans for heaven’s sake)

  • Soy wax is water soluble and is removed with hot soapy water, 140 º and synthrapol



The CONS of Water Soluble Soy Wax

  • Soy wax is not waterproof and is not recommended for immersion dyeing

  • Crackle (as in Batik crackle) will happen if you put your work in the freezer for a few minutes.  The Soy wax is more pliable and viscous and takes longer to solidify.  Your lines will be less crisp


Wax is wax.  But…there are a few notable differences in these three different waxes

Soy wax

  • More pliable and viscous than Bees wax/paraffin

  • Heated at a lower temperature than Bees wax

  • Easier to remove than Bees/wax

  • Best for nature since it is renewable resource


Paraffin/Bees’ Wax

  • Holds the line more crisply

  • Best for crackle

Cold wax

  • Doesn’t need to be heated at all Just brush it on right out of the jar

  • You will not get a fine line with cold wax.  It spreads

  • Cold wax acts as more of a deterrent to color than a dam for the color.

  • Little color does get through

  • Best for using a wax resist while painting plein air or anywhere without a heat source

