Kira Carrillo Corser

Compassionate Arts: Silk As a Voice for Change

Kira D. Carrillo Corser is a silk artist who specializes in designing social and environmental justice intergenerational projects with diverse community and civic partnerships for sustained impacts. She has a Masters in Fine Art and Bachelors degree in Journalism, worked for PBS for 10 years, taught at CSU Monterey Bay for 8 years and produced major art projects for 30 years.

Her work has been on national broadcasts with President Clinton and President Carter, exhibited in the Smithsonian, the National Steinbeck Center, the National Center for Civil and Human Rights, The California Center For the Arts, Oceanside Museum of Art, Museum of Monterey and the Carter Center. She co-founded 3 collaborative ongoing community based projects (2012-present): Posts for Peace and Justice, Compassionate Arts in Action, and Sea Changes ACT. She produced 4 award-winning collaborative exhibitions and books on homelessness, health access, and the cycle of abuse, with poet Frances Payne Adler, in partnership with bipartisan groups, national nonprofits like the Red Cross and March of Dimes.

Silk is one of the many media Kira uses, and it is one of her favorite. She is working on a book, Titled “Silk as a Voice for Change” that includes: Sisters in Silk - a collaborative project with the San Diego Silk Guild, Compassionate Arts in Action, and Refugee Mothers and Kids; 8 foot silk paintings collaboratively painted with refugee 4th and 5th grade students shown in the Carter Center, King Center and Center for Civil and Human Rights and more!

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Kira’s Work


Karen Malin


Laurie Covill